New Year... New Website Improvements!

Thu 23rd Feb 2023 by ilyas

It's almost already 2 months since the start of 2023... we are already 15% through the year even though January 1st seems like just yesterday! 

Anyway, I've been working at the website for a little bit now, developing existing posts and adding new (unfortunately) unfinished ones. The majority of articles are placeholders, but I'm pleased to say that I've filled in some of the missing blanks. 

I'd like to reveal some of the recent updates below:

New/Updated Posts

Expanded Dictionary

The Structural Engineering English ⇔ Japanese dictionary has been significantly expanded. You can view the current dictionary HERE.

The dictionary is also linked to posts. So dictionary terms are highlighted within posts, and you can scroll over them to get more information. Of course, in future I would like to develop on this feature further.

Search Function

With the growing number of articles, it becomes difficult to navigate or search for specific topics. I decided to add a search box that can be accessed from any page on the website. The GUI isn't so fantastic yet, but it's a work in progress.

Currently it is available only to registered users, and can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S.


Other Upcoming Website Updates

  • Mathematics Plugin for Content Creation
    I want to make it much easier to write and view formulas on posts.

  • Mailing List
    I'd like to setup a system where registered users can subscribe to a mailing list. The mailing list is intended to provide users with updates on new posts, or updated ones.

  • Expanded Dictionary Features
    For dictionary terms, I would like to add the ability to see much more detailed information, as well as articles related to specific terms.

  • Image Zoom
    Certain images appear too small and it's inconvenient to zoom in (especially on a desktop or laptop PC). I'm planning to use some available image zoom scripts to provide a more user-friendly experience.

Anyway, that's all for today's update. I hope I can return very soon for further updates!

Thank you.

Last Update 24/02/23 03:34 JST

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