Differences between Wind and Seismic Loading

Sat 20th Aug 2022 by ilyas

Wind and seismic forces are both types of random time-varying loads that act on a structure. However, what are the key differences which distinguish them? This article attempts to explain this and how it affects the treatment of these loads for structural analysis.

Fundamental Difference

First, we should explain that although both loading types are considered as random: wind forces are traditionally considered as stationary random, whereas seismic loads are considered to be non-stationary random.

230205_windSeismicTime.JPGIn simple terms, stationary means that the wind forces can be characterised as having a mean value and a standard deviation. For seismic forces, non-stationary implies that no mean or standard deviation can be reasonably defined for the time history. Random just means that the instanteneous values vary significantly over time.

Note: the stationary assumption for wind loads doesn't always hold true. Wind loads are generally calculated considering storm periods of between 10-minutes to an hour. Therefore this assumption holds true just for synoptic winds (storm/pressure systems, typhoons).

For non-synoptic winds, the time history of the recorded Wind Speeds may be non-stationary. For example, gust fronts generated by thunderstorm downbursts last only a few minutes, and their time-histories may resemble earthquake ground motion.

Dynamic Loading

Both wind and seismic loads can impose dynamic loads (i.e. inertial loads) on the structure. 

However, the magnitude of the dynamic loads depends on the vibration periods (or natural frequencies) of the structure. Taller buildings generally have low frequencies of vibration which fall within the wind turbulence spectrum range of frequencies. On the other hand, earthquakes tend to pose significant dynamic loads for low-rise buildings whose frequencies of vibration are much higher (longer period of vibration).


Since seismic loads occur at high frequencies (or low periods of vibrations), they generate inertial forces for many higher-order modes. For wind loads, only the fundamental (1st order) mode shapes are usually of concern for buildings.

Due to these frequency characteristics, seismic loads generally govern the design of low- to mid-rise buildings whereas wind loads typically govern the design of tall and super-tall buildings.


The magnitude of wind loads on a building depend on its size and shape. Strong wind gusts do not occur everywhere at the same time on a single surface, instead they are partially correlated with respect to time. The larger the surface area, the weaker the correlation between the strong gusts.

The windward and leeward gusts also have a partial correlation. The longer the building (in the direction of the wind), the poorer the correlation between the windward face pressures and leeward face pressures (and vice versa).


For seismic loading, the ground motion is deemed to be fully correlated even for a building with a significantly large footprint.



Severe wind loads do not have nearly the same "power" as severe seismic loads. The latter tends to produce larger building motions and therefore more energy dissipation. Typical structural damping ratios are presented below:

Seismic:  5.0% of critical
Wind:   1.0% to 2.0% of critical


There is usually different criteria for seismic and wind loading. Some typical values are presented below. These are given for reference only. For actual values, refer to the relevant code.

Interstorey Drift1/3001/250
Peak Horizontal Building Deflection1/5001/300
Peak Acceleration (※)Residential: 10-15 milli-g
Office: 20-25 milli-g

peak acceleration criteria are presented for the 10-year return period for wind 

The more relaxed criteria for wind loading reflects the fact that buildings are mostly designed to remain elastic even under significantly high wind loads. Seismic criteria may be much more strict depending on the level of earthquake considered.


Wind loading very rarely leads to structural collapse of buildings. Seismic loading is usually a bigger concern.

Last Update 5/06/23 04:37 JST

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