Material Properties of Steel

Sat 20th Aug 2022 by ilyas

The most common type of structural steel used in the building industry is known as low carbon steel (or mild steel).


Material Behaviour

Note that structural steel is idealised as a isotropic material. This means that the properties of the steel (such as the yield strength) are homogenous for all directions (they are independent of direction). 

In considering the properties of steel, we must distinguish between the chemical and mechanical properties. These are only very briefly described below, but a more detailed description can be found in the sublinks shown below.

Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of steel 

※ What are the Mechanical Properties of Steel? Summarised in 1-Minute

Chemical Properties 

The chemical properties of steel

※ What are the Chemical Properties of Mild Steel? Summarised in 1-Minute

Last Update 25/02/23 06:33 JST

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