What are the Mechanical Properties of Steel? Summarised in 1-minute.

Fri 27th Jan 2023 by ilyas

The mechanical properties of steel are described below.

Yield Strength

230224_steelYieldStrength.JPGThe point at which steel begins to permanently deform under load. Any deformation beyond this point is permanent.

Points (a) and (b) above show the upper and lower yield strength. It is difficult to define the exact yield strength, so the minimum yield strength is generally defined based on a 0.2% strain offset as shown in the figure above.

※ What is the Yield Strength of Steel? How is it Measured? Difference with the Tensile Strength

Tensile Strength

This is the maximum possible strength that the steel can resist/achieve before deforming further and failing. In the graph above, it would be defined as point (c).

※ What is the Tensile Strength of Steel? How is it Measured? Difference with the Yield Strength



The ability of steel to return to its original shape after being deformed. This is quantified using the Elastic Modulus (also known as Young's Modulus), defined as the steel stress divided by the strain, as it just the slope of the initial line from (0,0) to point (a).

※ What is the Elasticity of Steel?

Poisson's Ratio

When a steel cylinder is loaded in compression, it doesn't just shorten in length, but also expands sideways. The ratio of the sideways expansion to the shortening in length is known as the Poisson's Ratio. For structural steel, it is generally taken as around 0.3.

※ What is the Poisson's Ratio? Explained in 1-minute 

※ What is the Poisson's Ratio of Steel? 


230224_steelDuctility.JPGThe ability of steel to deform without failing. This can be described as the area underneath the steel stress-strain curve, as shown above.

※ What is the Ductility of Steel? How is it Measured?


The resistance of steel to deformation or wear.

※ What is the Hardness of Steel? How is it Measured? Difference with Toughness


The ability of steel to absorb energy and resist cracking or breaking.

※ What is the Toughness of Steel? How is it measured? Difference with Hardness

Fatigue Strength

The ability of steel to withstand repeated loading without failure.

※ What is the Fatigue Strength of Steel? How is it measured?

Impact Resistance

230224_steelImpactResistance.JPGThe ability of steel to withstand sudden impacts without breaking.

※ What is the Impact Resistance of Steel? How is it Measured? Difference with Hardness and Toughness


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Last Update 25/02/23 01:07 JST

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