Why Provide Skin Reinforcement in RC Beams?

Wed 4th Jan 2023 by ilyas

In this article, we will introduce skin reinforcement in RC beams and why they are necessary.

What is Skin Reinforcement?

An example RC beam with skin reinforcement is illustrated below:

Skin reinforcement in beam

Skin reinforcing bars are non-structural and are smaller than the main reinforcement, of similar size to stirrups. Reasons to include skin reinforcement bars are included below.

Why is Skin Reinforcement Necessary?

When the distance between the main reinforcing bars is too large, there is a risk that the rebar could distort and lose it's intended shape. Therefore we can provide skin reinforcement bars to provide a stiffer arrangement.

Distortion of beam shape due to lack of skin reinforcement

Additionally, there is a risk of cracking when the distance between rebar is too large.


Guidelines for Providing Skin Reinforcement

Some simple guidelines for providing skin reinforcement are shown below.

230102_03.JPGIn general, try to maintain a maximum distance of between 300 to 400 mm to control cracking and avoid shape distortion.

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Last Update 6/01/23 09:36 JST

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