Fire Ratings by Structural Elements

Sat 20th Aug 2022 by ilyas

In a event of a fire, there should be sufficient time for building occupants to safely evacuate, and the structure should not collapse before such a condition. In this article, we describe some typical fire rating requirements for various structural members.

Japanese Code

The Japanese building code specifies the following minimum requirements for fireproofing:


Area□ n = 1 to 4■ n = 5 to 14■ n ≥ 15
WallsPartitions60 min120 min120 min
ExteriorShear Walls60 min120 min120 min
Non-STRAreas where fire may spread60 min60 min60 min
Low risk of fire being spread to30 min30 min30 min
Columns60 min120 min180 min
Slabs60 min120 min120 min
Girders & Beams60 min120 min180 min
Rooftop Members30 min
Staircases30 min

Fire Resistance Methods

Fire protection methods depend on the choice of material. Those methods (or minimum requirements) are described in the links below:

Fire Protection Methods for Steel Structures

※ Fire protection methods for reinforced concrete structures

※ Fire protection methods for timber structures

Other Notes

By the way, you might sometimes hear the term "fire-proofing". However, this implies that said structure is completely safe from fire damage. Since this is not true, structural engineers prefer to use the term "fire-resistance".

Last Update 16/06/23 07:27 JST

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