What is the Bearing Capacity of the Different Soil Types?

Mon 19th Jun 2023 by ilyas

Japanese Standard

The allowable bearing capacity as per the Japanese standard are listed below:

Ground TypeAllowable Bearing Capacity (kN/m2)
JapaneseEnglishLong-term Loads 長期Short-term Loads 短期
固結したの砂 Compacted Sand5001,000
土丹盤Dodan (Very Dense Firm Clay)300600
密実な礫層Dense Gravel300600
密実な砂質地盤Dense Sandy Soil200400
砂質地盤 (*)Sandy Soil (*)50100
堅い粘土質地盤Firm Clayey Soil100200
粘土質地盤Clayey Soil2040
堅いロームFirm Loam100200
ローム LoamLoam50100

* Excluding sandy soil susceptible to soil liquefaction.

British Standard

The following table has been adapted from BS 8004:1986:

CategoryTypes of Rocks and SoilsAllowable Bearing Capacity (kN/m2)
RocksStrong igenous and gneissic rocks
Strong limestones or sandstones
Schists and slates
Strong shales, mudstones or siltstones


Granular SoilsDense gravel or dense sand & gravel
Medium dense gravel, or medium dense sand & gravel
Loose gravel, or loose sand & gravel
Compact sand
Medium dense sand
Loose sand
> 600
200 to 600
< 200
> 300
100 to 300
< 100
Cohesive SoilsVery stiff boulder clays and hard clays
Stiff clays
Firm clays
Soft clays and silts
Very soft clays and silts
300 to 600
150 to 300
75 to 150
< 75
Not applicable
Peat and Organic SoilsNot applicable
Made ground or fillNot applicable

Last Update 19/06/23 03:31 JST

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