What is the SPT-N value? Significance, Calculation Method and Approximation

Sat 17th Jun 2023 by ilyas

Many structural engineers might not like diving deep into geotechnical matters, however, there are at least some important conditions to understand such as the SPT-N value and it's relationship with the soil bearing capacity.

What is the SPT-N Value?

You can also just call it the N-value of the soil. The N value expresses the strength of the ground. A higher N values means that the ground is more firm and strong. On the other hand, a low N values indicates weaker and softer soil.

N values generally vary between 0 and 100.

Description of the SPT-N Value

(Meyeroff, 1956)

SPT-N ValueDescriptionRelative Density (%)Friction Angle (°)
< 4Very Loose< 20< 30
4 to 10Loose20 to 4030 to 35
10 to 30Compact40 to 6035 to 40
30 to 50Dense60 to 8040 to 45
> 50Very Dense> 80> 45

Another intuitive way to understand the N value on-site is as follows:

  • 0 to 4:          Can insert a rebar into the ground easily by hand.
  • 4 to 10:        Can dig the ground with a shovel easily.
  • 10 to 30:      Can easily insert a rebar into the ground using a 2 kg hammer.
  • 30 to 50:     When the above methods prove difficult.
  • > 50:            When you need a pickaxe to dig the ground.

Relationship to Soil Bearing Capacity

If you know the N-value of the soil, you can roughly approximate the soil bearing capacity using the following formula:

Approx. Soil Bearing Capacity = N x 10 kN/m2

 So if the soil N-value is 25, then the approximate bearing capacity is 250 kN/m2.

Calculation of Soil SPT-N Value

The SPT-N value of the soil is calculated based on the Soil Penetration Test (SPT). More information regarding the test can be found at the link below:

※ What is the Standard Penetration Test (SPT)? Significance. Testing Method.

<< brief description of SPT test coming soon >>


You should note that the N value is just an empirical way to find the strength of the ground. It has some shortcomings, including its accuracy in very soft fine soils.

Last Update 19/06/23 01:45 JST

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