Superposition of Forces: Explained in 1-minute

Fri 23rd Sep 2022 by ilyas

When presented with a structural engineering problem where multiple types of loads are present, it is usually more simple to obtain the forces (reactions, shear, bending moments, etc.) by treating each load separately, solving, and then combining the final forces together directly. This concept is known as superposition.

What is Superposition?


Let's consider the example below:

230326_forceSuperposition1.JPGWe can simplify this and analyse as two seperate loading cases, ① and ②:

230326_forceSuperposition2.JPGThe final combination is just the direct summation of the forces.


Concluding Remarks

This is an important fundamental principle in structural engineering that helps us simplify many problems and also combine results from different analyses.

Last Update 16/06/23 10:30 JST

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