Another Recent Update

Wed 21st Sep 2022 by ilyas

Hi all,

Recently I have committed to updating the website on a daily basis!

I am pleased to say that I have been able to make some progress since my last post. However, most of the changes have been made on the website backend.

Recent Changes

The recent changes are as listed below:

  • Minor changes to website formatting
    I have been adjusting the formatting on certain pages to make them more consistent and user friendly, as well as optimising the web pages for SEO (search engine optimisation).
  • Posts now show "similar articles"
    Currently the articles might not be so similar though! There is not enough content to provide good matching of similar articles. I hope this can change once the articles begin to be filled out. The website articles currently only have placeholders.
  • Backend changes
    Previously, to change the post titles, tags or references, I had to get down and dirty and adjust things directly from within the SQL database. I've since programmed a front-end admin interface which very easily allows me to change this data at the click of a mouse.

Future Changes

  • The main bulk of the features to support writing posts has been developed. Therefore I would like to start focusing on the actual content. I hope we can soon see a plethora of updated posts on this content! Keep an eye out for future updates!

Last Update 21/09/22 22:48 JST

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