Considerable Website Development!

Sat 17th Sep 2022 by ilyas

Website Update

I wish you a warm welcome to my humble website!

Everything is programmed (mostly) from scratch using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL.

The main intention behind the website is to provide bite-sized digests or chunks for aspiring structural engineers or wind engineers. It's also a place for me to just keep my notes!

If you like the website, please feel free to register an account and leave some comments.

Finally, if you think there are improvements to be made, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can send me a private email using the About page.

Thank you.

What's New?

  • Login and registration system
    Still need to program the "Forgot Password" feature... so don't forget your passwords!
  • Commenting system on posts
    Still slightly in it's infancy but I hope I can make some more improvements in the future!
  • Find a post useful? Let us know!
    There's no finished articles/posts on the website at the time of writing. But if you find an article useful, why not let us know using the button below this post?

    Is post helpful button

More updates coming soon... stay tuned!

Last Update 17/09/22 03:54 JST

5 people found this article helpful.

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