Stiffness of Structural Elements

Tue 6th Sep 2022 by ilyas

For structural members, there are varying types of stiffness to consider:

Axial Stiffness

Axial Stiffness, straight k subscript straight A equals EA over straight L

Bending Stiffness

Bending Stiffness, straight k subscript straight B equals EI over straight L

Shear Stiffness

Shear Stiffness...

Torsional Stiffness

Torsional Stiffness, straight k subscript straight T equals GJ over straight L

Lateral Stiffness

Lateral stiffness is a way to define the ability of a frame or beam to resist lateral loads, such as wind loads or seismic loads. Different systems (e.g. moment frames, braced frames, etc.) have different derivations of lateral stiffness. More information is available at the post below:

※ What is Lateral Stiffness? Examples and Formulas

※ What is the Stiffness of Springs in Parallel and Series?

In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Stiffness

※ What is In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Stiffness? Differences Explained with Examples

Last Update 17/06/23 02:44 JST

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